
At BrightMarbles Group, we believe that building bold ideas and creating meaningful change starts with the foundation of knowledge—and the people who inspired us to seek it out. On World Teachers’ Day, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the mentors who set us on our paths. For many of us, it wasn’t just about learning subjects; it was about learning how to think, how to question, and how to rise to challenges. 

Just like in the world of software, every piece of knowledge builds on the last, and our teachers were the architects who helped us lay those first crucial bricks. Here are a few stories from the BrightMarbles team about the teachers who made a difference. 

Dušan Lukić, Software Engineer 

Back in elementary school, my teacher Professor Dragan had a motto: ‘Chase knowledge, not grades.’ As a kid, I didn’t think much of it, but looking back, those words were a guide that shaped my curiosity and drive. It wasn’t about acing the test but about always being hungry to learn more. In the fast-paced world of IT, that lesson stuck with me—there’s always something new, and the learning process never ends. 

Marina Vuković, QA Engineer 

My French teacher, Dragica, was tough. She set the bar high and wasn’t one to let you take shortcuts. At first, I struggled, but she taught me to work hard for what I wanted. That persistence has carried over into my career—whether learning a new skill or tackling a tough project, I always aim for high standards, just like she pushed us to do. 

Goran Manojlović, QA Engineer 

My high school history teacher, Marko, had a teaching style I’d never seen before. Before every test, he’d give us 20 minutes with the textbook and then set us free to figure things out. No other teacher gave us that kind of freedom. It taught me to think on my feet, adapt, and solve problems under pressure. It’s funny—so much of what I do now in my role mirrors that. Quick thinking, resourcefulness, and being prepared for the unexpected are skills I rely on daily. 

Slobodanka Tešmanović, Software Engineer 

My math teacher, Miroslav Đovčoš, wasn’t just passionate about math—he was passionate about us, his students. He taught with calmness and patience that made the subject less intimidating and more like a puzzle waiting to be solved. What I remember most is that he didn’t just teach us equations; he taught us resilience. Facing a challenge with calm determination is something I carry with me every day, not just in my work, but in life. 

Nenad Stojković, Software Architect 

Professor Budimac was my favorite teacher, hands down. He had a great sense of humor, and his lectures were always engaging, even when the material wasn’t. He showed me that even dry topics could be fun if you approach them the right way. 

Then there was Professor Radovanović, who taught me one of the most valuable lessons later in life. I was at the end of college, working and just trying to finish up, but I wasn’t giving it my all. After scoring enough to pass a course, Professor Radovanović said something that stuck with me: ‘It’s hard for me to see someone waste their potential.’  

To this day, whenever I feel like I’m not pushing myself enough, I think of his words. 

Anastasia Bijelić, Chief Financial & Legal Officer 

Today, I want to take a moment to recognize my incredible English teacher, Jasmina Anojčić, affectionately known as Greenka. From making grammar fun to emphasizing the importance of completing homework over memorization, her lessons have truly shaped my understanding of the English language. Her righteous approach and impeccable fashion sense made every class an enjoyable experience. 

Little did I realize at the time how impactful her teachings would be on my professional journey. Now, working in a multinational company where English is the official language, I see just how vital her lessons have been to my success. Thank you, Greenka, for your dedication and inspiration. You have made a difference in my life that I will always cherish! 

Darko Kovač, CTO & Co-Founder 

One of the most awe-inspiring teachers I had in high school was our Serbian language professor, known to us as Nona. The origin of her nickname is a mystery; we simply inherited it from the generations before us. Skipping her classes was unheard of, and my friends and I were always on our best behavior during her lessons. 

Nona didn’t command respect through her physical presence—she was quite petite—or by raising her voice. Instead, she used words with such skill and precision that we couldn’t help but be captivated. You could say she had the power to disarm us with her eloquence. Back then, I didn’t fully understand just how special that was, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to truly admire—and even envy—her ability to command a room through words alone.” 

Milica Stanković, HR Manager 

My high school psychology teacher always emphasized the importance of emotional intelligence. He would often say, ‘First, learn to understand yourself, and then you will be able to understand others.’ That advice has stuck with me for over 15 years and has become a guiding principle in my life. His words, and the calm, thoughtful way he shared them, remain fresh in my mind even today. I’m incredibly grateful to him for generously sharing his knowledge and experience with us, and for teaching me something that has shaped the way I navigate both my personal and professional life. 

Aleksandar Bobić, Software Engineer 

Rade was my elementary school physics teacher and a true pioneer when it came to new technologies and computers. It was the early 1990s, and computers were a rarity where I grew up, but Rade’s passion for technology was unstoppable. He somehow managed to get a few Oric Nova computers and, on his own initiative, started an after-school computer club. It was there that we explored the world of computer science and wrote our very first lines of code. His perseverance and dedication to sharing his passion with us, even with limited resources, left a lasting impact on me. Rade is the reason I developed a lifelong love for computers and programming, and his influence has been a source of inspiration throughout my education and career. 

Nevena Nemeš, Chief Experience Officer 

Milada, my early biology teacher, was one of those people who believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. She saw something in me that I hadn’t yet recognized, and she pushed me toward academic competitions, even when I was hesitant. There were times I wanted to give up, convinced I wasn’t good enough, but Milada never let me. She reminded me of my capabilities, both in the classroom and beyond, and gave me the confidence to keep going. Her belief in me left a lasting mark on my education and the way I approach challenges today. 

Beyond the Classroom: Lessons We Build On Every Day 

At BrightMarbles Group, we’ve always believed that growth starts with a thirst for knowledge, a commitment to problem-solving, and the pursuit of excellence. Today, as we reflect on the lessons our teachers instilled in us, we’re reminded that the foundation of everything we do— from writing code to solving complex challenges—stems from those early lessons in curiosity, persistence, and passion. 

On this World Teachers’ Day, we express our deepest gratitude to the educators who believed in us, pushed us, and shaped us. Your impact reaches far beyond the classroom, into everything we do. It lives on in every bold idea and breakthrough we achieve. Thank you for shaping who we are today!