
BrightMarbles Internship FAQ

(Thanks to all the applicants who applied for our internship program in the meantime. If you haven’t been chosen to participate in this cycle of the program, the good news is there will be another round in a few month’s time!)

Hey future software engineers,

As you probably know, we have announced our 12-week long internship program in order for you to gain some practical knowledge, before you dive deep down into software engineering waters.

Based on the inquiries applicants sent us, we’ve made a list of frequently asked questions about the program, so here you may find everything you need to know before applying (and hopefully after you’re successfully enrolled). 

How much of my time will the program require?

The program itself is meant to last 12 weeks (beginning in the middle of March), 8 hours a day, but since we’re completely aware of your busy schedule in the University, we’re flexible.

Do I have to know any foreign language to enroll?

Yes. The English language is an absolute must since its the most widespread language of communication you’ll use when talking to clients. A high level of written and spoken English language is crucial to being a successful and competent software engineer in the market.

How does the candidate evaluation process look like?

After we invite you to our headquarters for a technical interview (which is in English by the way), you’ll receive a test based on your choice of the program you applied for (Backend or Frontend). We’re so sorry to even mention this, but nevertheless – please, be aware that cheating on the test doesn’t bring you any extra points. 
For those who opted for Frontend, some core basics are required for the following technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript.
As for those who applied for the Backend program, you’ll be required to display knowledge of some core basics of Java and SQL. 

Until when do I have time to apply for your program?

We take applications until the 1st of March 2018. After that, we’ll let you know if your current knowledge and skills are sufficient for the successful internship program. If not, we’ll let you know what you might need to improve in order to be more successful in the other round of the program. You can apply via the contact form on our website.