
Imagine a small, local team in Serbia challenging the might of global food delivery giants. That’s the story of Padrino, our homegrown delivery platform. In a market just beginning to feel the ripple of international players, we saw an opportunity. This is the tale of how my partners, a dedicated BrightMarbles team, and I took on a David vs. Goliath challenge, racing against time to carve out a niche for Padrino among established billion-dollar corporations. Our secret weapon? Flutter – a cross-platform framework that turned the tide in our favor. 

Facing this challenge, our collective strategic decision to harness the power of Flutter, a cross-platform framework, emerged as a transformative game-changer for our collaborative endeavor. 

This article delves into why Flutter has proven to be the optimal choice for developing a food delivery app. From its cross-platform adaptability and the ability to craft visually appealing user interfaces to its rapid development cycles, performance optimization, and a robust software development kit (SDK), we’ll uncover how Flutter perfectly aligns with the dynamic demands of the food delivery industry. 

Flutter’s Learning Curve: A Developer’s Perspective 

Having previously specialized as a web developer predominantly using React, the instinctive cross-platform choice for me would have been React Native, given its similarity to the tools I was already accustomed to. However, I’m glad to have tried Flutter alongside React Native. Flutter not only boasts a superior collection of packages but also outshines in terms of performance and overall developer experience. Surprisingly, I discovered a striking resemblance between Flutter and React, which further solidified my appreciation for this dynamic framework. 

Flutter uses a widget-based approach for building user interfaces. This is why developers with experience in native app development may find the transition challenging initially as they adapt to Flutter’s widget system. However, once accustomed, the modular and composable nature of widgets can enhance code reusability. 

Cross-Platform Efficiency with Flutter 

Flutter’s cross-platform development proves invaluable for delivery businesses managing the delivery side, customers, merchants, and the administration and support side. With distinct devices and systems involved in each role, creating separate apps for iOS and Android would be a daunting task for a smaller development team.  

However, Flutter’s shared codebase approach allows developers to write code once and deploy it seamlessly across both platforms, saving time and ensuring a consistent user experience. This versatility enables businesses to tailor features for each user segment efficiently, simplifying the development process and fostering a cohesive ecosystem for delivery operations. 

Accelerating Development with Flutter’s Hot Reload 

One of Flutter’s notable features is Hot Reload, which allows developers to instantly see the effects of code changes without restarting the entire application. It’s a fast way to try out different things and see what works. Flutter is, therefore, great for building apps fast and efficiently, making it easier for teams to work together and test changes quickly. Fast Development and Hot Reload together make Flutter a strong framework for creating responsive and dynamic apps with speed and precision. 

Key Features of Flutter’s Software Development Kit (SDK) 

Flutter delivers a robust and all-encompassing Software Development Kit (SDK), providing developers with a diverse set of tools and libraries to meet various needs. In the context of delivery apps, Flutter offers features and capabilities that can enhance the development process and user experience. Here are different use cases for the Flutter SDK in delivery apps: 

Push Notifications 

Enable robust push notification support, a crucial feature for delivery apps. This functionality is essential for conveying real-time order status updates through push notifications, as well as for executing effective promotional campaigns and implementing targeted marketing strategies. 

Maps Integration 

Flutter’s toolkit simplifies map integration, offering diverse options such as Google Maps, Mapbox, and Apple Maps. This variety is crucial for cost considerations across use cases and accommodates regional preferences, ensuring precise addresses not universally available on all maps. 

Device Features 

Access to device-specific features, such as geolocation services and camera functionality, integrates into the SDK without any friction. This integration enables developers to leverage these capabilities in their applications, with geolocation serving as a key element for real-time location tracking—essential for accurately tracking the driver’s location and precisely calculating delivery time. Additionally, the SDK supports background location tracking, ensuring it remains active for drivers even when running in the background of their phones. 

Payment Gateway Integration 

Many delivery apps involve financial transactions. Flutter supports easy integration with various payment gateways, making it easier for developers to implement secure and reliable payment options within the app. 

BM Insight: Providing impenetrable and easy-to-use digital payment features is vital for all websites and apps that include in-app purchases. Learn how such components improve user trust and brand reputation from the blog post Securing User Trust: Best Practices for Digital Payment Solutions, written by Milena Petrović

Internationalization and Localization 

For delivery apps catering to a global audience, Flutter simplifies the process of internationalization and localization. Developers can easily implement multiple language support, ensuring a consistent user experience for users around the world. 

Custom Messaging 

The SDK offers robust support for custom messaging features, allowing developers to seamlessly implement real-time communication and in-app messaging functionality. This is valuable not only for contacting support but also for efficiently managing compensation issues within platform entities. 

UI Elements 

Extensive collection of pre-designed UI elements and widgets empowers developers to craft visually captivating and uniform user interfaces. Instead of building widgets from scratch, developers can simply customize these pre-existing elements, streamlining the development process and ensuring a consistent design across various platforms. 

Animation and Effects 

The SDK includes tools for creating dynamic animations and visual effects, enabling developers to boost the overall user experience by adding motion and interactivity to their applications. 

State Management 

Flutter’s SDK offers state management solutions, helping developers efficiently manage the state of their applications and ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience. 


With built-in APIs for network requests, Flutter simplifies communication with servers, making it easy to fetch and send data, including support for various protocols, like HTTP and WebSocket. 

The Strength of Flutter’s Community and Support Network 

Flutter boasts a thriving community and robust support system, in which developers benefit from a collaborative environment where challenges can be addressed, and insights can be shared. This active community helps developers stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices, fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth. 

Wrapping Up: Padrino’s Flutter-Driven Transformation 

Our journey in developing Padrino with Flutter has proven to be a strategic triumph, aligning successfully with the dynamic demands of the food delivery industry. Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities have enabled us to efficiently create a unified and user-friendly application for both iOS and Android. This strategic choice has streamlined our development process, ensuring a consistent experience across devices and significantly reducing development time. Furthermore, Flutter’s extensive SDK has equipped us with a wide array of tools, from push notifications to payment integration, vital for building a comprehensive and feature-rich delivery app. 

Looking to the future, the decision to use Flutter positions Padrino to effectively adapt to the evolving demands of the food delivery industry. Its scalable architecture and robust community support make it an ideal framework for modern digital solutions, positioning us for ongoing innovation and growth. 

Embark on a Flutter adventure with us at BrightMarbles Group and unlock a world of possibilities for your digital solutions. And hey, why not make it a double win by experiencing the smooth ordering process from Padrino, too? Let’s connect, exchange ideas, and together ride the wave of innovation.  

About Author 

Nikola Katić is a well-versed software engineer, with a special knack for combining software development and food. The technical guru behind the Padrino app and many other interesting projects, he is part of our special coding forces, particularly adept at Flutter.