
At BrightMarbles Group, we love celebrating the unique paths our team members take, and Strahinja’s journey is a standout. At just 23, he’s already made significant strides in cybersecurity—a field that’s evolving faster than ever and desperately needs new talent. 

Cybersecurity is a booming field, yet many young people shy away from it. Not Strahinja. An eight-year stint in karate taught him discipline and hard work, so he jumped right in by joining UN1QUELY’s Cybersecurity Academy. He was initially drawn to ethical hacking, but his background in economics and love for business operations steered him towards cybersecurity management. 

We’re thrilled to share Strahinja’s story—a blend of roles like bartender, security guard, and copywriter—that led him to shine in cybersecurity. His journey shows how varied experiences can shape a unique perspective in tech. 

Q: It’s fascinating how our childhood dreams shape who we become. Looking back, what did young Strahinja dream of becoming? What were your childhood interests? 

A: Fun fact: I wanted to be an Assistant Cook or a Firefighter when I grew up. I also trained karate for 8 years, then played football, and later did street workouts and calisthenics. Training for almost my whole life has given me a strong work ethic and an understanding that great things take time. Aside from physical activity, I’m also good at drawing and almost went to art school because both of my parents are artists. 

Q: With such a strong foundation of diverse interests and experiences from your childhood, how have these early passions influenced your journey into the tech world? 

A: I believe my personality has changed over the years. I was introverted. Reflecting on it, choosing to be an Assistant Chef instead of a Chef was a sign that I didn’t want to be in a leadership position. However, over the years, I changed. I believe the change started with training, which helped me gain more confidence, and my aspirations and goals evolved. Today, I would consider myself a very ambitious person. I did a good retrospective of my working experience in this LinkedIn Article

Q: What sparked your initial interest in cybersecurity? 

A: I initially wanted to become an ethical hacker because it seemed fascinating to me. That’s why I enrolled in UN1QUELY’s Cybersecurity Academy in the first place. During the first module at the academy (Module 1 – Cybersecurity Management), my academic background in economics and my passion for understanding how businesses function strongarmed my initial desire to become an ethical hacker. I realized that what truly made my eyes sparkle was that these cybersecurity professionals were able to implement cybersecurity solutions within the business ecosystem and understand its operations. 

I saw a tremendous learning opportunity in this, which is why management seemed more interesting to me. In ten years, I want to be an exceptional businessperson capable of solving the toughest problems. While I still have a long way to go, I’ve finally clarified my future goals after much trial and error in finding my career path. 

Before landing at UN1QUELY, I was involved in various roles. I started as a karate kid and then became a footballer. I later became a calisthenic athlete and gym enthusiast, which I still am. I’ve also worked as a bartender, security guard, construction worker, and photo model. Additionally, I was an economics student and took on roles such as copywriter, web designer, and no-code developer. Lastly, I aspired to be an ethical hacker. 

My advice to young people is to keep trying until they succeed. Believe me, at first glance, these professions might seem like a waste of time, but I learned something valuable from each one that helps me today. 

Q: Your journey at UN1QUELY’s Cybersecurity Academy must have been quite an experience. Can you share what it was like, any significant challenges or moments of doubt you faced, and how you managed them? 

A: When it came to the curriculum, you could feel that the knowledge you were gaining was from the veterans who had been deep in the trenches in their areas of expertise. Once I realized that, I just listened and thought about how fortunate I was to learn from these guys. 

Honestly, I was so focused and all-in that I set aside everything else. I absorbed the knowledge like a sponge and tried to be the most active person in the class. 

When UN1 later published a job post, I applied. At the job interview, I was prepared with a document about 120 pages long. To deal with the moments of doubt, I said that I was going to give my best and hope something good would come out of it. If it didn’t work, I would just keep trying again and again until it did. 

Taking responsibility and understanding that you are steering your own ship is the greatest thing I’ve done. It transitioned me from blaming external factors for not being where I wanted to be, to realizing that maybe I wasn’t there because I still didn’t have enough knowledge. I decided to keep learning until I was ready. 

Q: It sounds incredibly inspiring to go from being a student at the academy to managing it, right? 

A: That’s correct, I manage UN1QUELY’s Cybersecurity Academy program now. Besides handling the daily operations of a cybersecurity project manager at UN1, I also manage many educational projects, which is a fulfilling experience. Helping someone learn, get on board with cybersecurity, and start a career in this field is amazing. 

I started by learning from others, and now I help with the processes and planning for upcoming education projects. 

Q: How do you approach mentorship and leadership within UN1QUELY, and how have you helped mentor others? 

A: As a self-improvement enthusiast, I’ve gone through a lot of leadership material. At this point in my career, here is how I approach it: When I mentor someone, I like to write a detailed guide and help them get a bird’s-eye view of the topic we are trying to learn. 

Aside from continuously being available if the colleague needs something, helping people reach their own conclusions by asking questions is much more impactful than directly telling them what to do. This way, they improve their problem-solving skills. Luckily, I work with many brilliant minds, so everything goes smoothly. 

One more thing I’d add is to lead by example. If you don’t set the standard, why would you expect someone else, especially your teammates, to do it? Be empathetic and model the behavior you want to see in others. 

Q: What are your responsibilities as a Project Manager at UN1QUELY, and what does a typical day look like for you? 

A: I am fortunate to be involved in the entire client journey, from scoping the client and understanding their needs to ensuring the service is delivered with the utmost quality. After delivery, I analyze the process to identify areas for improvement for next time. My responsibilities range from workload management to quality management, and more. 

To keep it short and concise, I try to observe the process from a bird’s-eye view, understand how it functions, and identify areas for improvement. When I find a problem, I zoom in on that part of the process, solve it, and then zoom back out to see how the solution affected the overall process. It’s all about keeping the bigger picture in mind. 

Q: What is the atmosphere like at UN1QUELY, and what do you enjoy most about working there? 

A: I was amazed by how many young and ambitious people are on the team. Despite their age, they are amazing at what they do. The seniors are like those hackers from movies and are like chatbots for hacking tips and tricks. All of them are proud of what they do and are ready to help whenever needed. The unselfishness of my teammates to step in when things get tight is what I admire most about my workplace.  

Q: Handling challenges in cybersecurity must be quite an adventure—some of them might even require karate-like skills. How do you manage challenges and mistakes in your role? 

A: When facing challenges, I try to stay rational and think logically. Nothing good comes from raising your heart rate. Even if the problem is catastrophic, the best thing you can do is look at it logically and find a way to solve it. Over time in management roles, you develop the skill to pause in the moment and position yourself to approach a problem effectively. 

I’ve encountered many challenges, from meeting deadlines to scope adjustments and scope creep. My approach is always the same: pause and set yourself in problem-solving mode.  

I would like to add how to handle mistakes. When you make a mistake, apologize and find a way to solve it or minimize its impact as much as possible. 

Don’t hide it, because it will come back to bite you later. We are human and we make mistakes. While you can’t turn back time, you can apologize, resolve or reduce the impact, and ensure you don’t make the same mistake again. 

A framework that has helped me is writing down my mistakes. I have a Notion page titled “Mistakes” that I visit sometimes to reflect and learn. 

Q: That sounds like a plan. Now, let’s move from the “Mistakes” page to the “Plans” page. What are your long-term career goals, and where do you see yourself in the next 5 to 10 years? 

A: Currently, I am fully engaged in learning and tackling challenging projects to develop a thick skin for the future. My goal is to become an exceptional businessperson capable of solving complex problems. 

I aim to deepen my knowledge about the essential areas of the business as I anticipate diving into entrepreneurial ventures later in my career. There is a lot to learn, and I am enjoying every second of it. 

Q: From your perspective, how does your work at UN1QUELY contribute to broader societal security? Are there specific projects or achievements you are particularly proud of? 

Every project we undertake makes one more client safer. We learn and grow with each experience; a good word and way of thinking are contagious. If we truly believe in ensuring safety for our clients, they might help their partners, creating a chain reaction. I am proud of every project. 

Q: How does BrightMarbles Group support your career growth, and what type of support do you find most valuable? 

A: The most valuable support I receive is the opportunity to gain insights into areas I’m interested in. Want to learn how sales work? You can consult with your colleagues and learn directly from them. Career switches are a thing here. 

Q: How do you balance your ongoing formal education with your professional responsibilities? 

A: Everything I learn I try to apply at work, as it’s the best way to really solidify the knowledge you have gained. Flexible working hours really help balance learning and working. 

Q: Just for fun, since you’re still in the vibrant years of your career, what do you want to be when you ‘grow up’? 🙂 

A: I want to be myself, just older, with enough resources to support my future family and stay healthy. 

The cherry on top of the cake would be achieving the age of 125 years to see if the world would look like it did in the Ninja Turtles cartoon (year 2125). 

Oh, and one more cool flex: my grandpa lived to be 100 years old. He got my father when he was 70. Maybe these genes could help me see the world in 2125. 

About Strahinja 

Strahinja Vuksanović is a Cybersecurity Project Manager at UN1QUELY. He is deeply committed to expanding his knowledge in project management and business development strategies. Through his studies at the UN1QUELY Academy, Strahinja has acquired a profound understanding of cybersecurity, covering areas such as Information Security Management, Defensive Security Operations, and Offensive Security Operations. This knowledge has been instrumental in guiding him to lead projects within the cybersecurity domain. Strahinja diligently keeps up with industry trends, updates, and innovations, ensuring he remains at the forefront of his field.