
Helping over six hundred thousand (600 000+) crypto-traders buy, sell, and store over 60 cryptocurrencies with a fast, simple, and secure mobile app.

The client – one of the largest cryptocurrency brokers in the European market. Their platform allows users to manage their digital assets, including BitCoin and over 60 currencies that they provide. In 2019, the company was voted the best crypto broker.

The Challenge

Together with the client’s team, we set out to develop and improve their mobile app to help crypto-traders store and manage their assets. Simultaneously improving their ReactNative made iOS app with new features and making the android app from the ground up proved to be a considerable time drain on the development team.
In the end, the client was looking for a fast, secure, and straightforward way to enable their users while expanding to the android market segments.

Overcoming the challenge

While the team worked on the ReactNative app, simultaneously, we were able to implement a fast and secure cross-platform solution using Flutter. Inside six months, a Flutter-made app for Android and iOS was developed, surpassing the initial ReactNative application. Soon all the focus was shifted to the Flutter project, resolving our challenge by hitting all the set requirements, ahead of schedule.


BrightMarbles’ Flutter based solution allowed users to buy, sell and store Bitcoin and over 60 other cryptocurrencies offered on the crypto-trading platform, securely and effortlessly via their mobile android or iOS devices. As a result, the client significantly reduced development, maintenance, and time costs, while reaching desired market segments by focusing their mobile-focused traders.