
Before we dive into our conversation, let’s start with a little experiment. We’ll throw out a few terms: Python, JavaScript, Design, DevOps, React, Flutter, Marketing, Kubernetes.  

Blink twice if the two words your brain’s reacted to are design and marketing! 

We thought so! The thing is that a lot of people think they know and understand marketing and design. And we understand this bias: from the outside, well-conceived and executed marketing/design campaigns might look easy.  

But here’s where the real story begins. Behind every sleek design or catchy marketing slogan is a world of research, analyses, comparison, and writing/drawing (in that exact order of appearance). It’s this blend of art and science that Nevena Nemeš, our Chief Experience Officer and Head of Marketing, navigates daily at BrightMarbles Group. As we peel back the layers of her role, we uncover not just the complexity but also the passion driving our brand’s narrative forward. 

Hence, today we’re here with Nevena to debunk some myths about marketing in software development (and perhaps create new ones).   

Q: Nevena, good morning. How are you today? What’s up with you lately? 

Yes, I’ve been up late(ly). Well, life’s been quite an adventure, both at work and at home. My almost-three-year-old has turned into quite the dynamo, filling our days with endless energy and joy. She’s pretty much the center of my universe whenever I’m away from work. 

Q: With all the hustle and bustle at home, I hear you still find some downtime for movies and shows. Got any favorites to share with us mere mortals who usually doze off after the opening credits? 

Oh, definitely! I have a soft spot for Quentin Tarantino’s opus, with “Inglorious Basterds” topping my list. If you’re in for a mix of history with a Tarantino twist, it’s a must-watch. 

When it comes to TV series, “True Detective” offers that gripping narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat, while “Stranger Things” brings back the charm of ’80s sci-fi with a modern twist. And for those days when nothing seems to go right, I turn to “Friends” or “The Office”. They’re my go-to comfort shows that never fail to put a smile on my face, no matter the day I’ve had. 

Q: You definitely have loads of content on your desk(top). Content! That’s why we’re here! (Among some other things). As the holder of a master’s degree in psychology and a PhD student, how come you’ve switched to IT, marketing & co.? What would Freud and Jung have to say about it?  

Ah, the shift from psychology to IT and marketing, right? It seems like a big leap, but if you think about it, it’s all about understanding people.  

Freud might say I was looking for more immediate gratification—you know, the quick wins you get from a successful marketing campaign versus the long slog of psychological research. Jung might suggest I was exploring different parts of my own psyche, maybe the part that gets a kick out of seeing real-world results from strategies I’ve helped put together. 

At the end of the day, I just found another way to apply my curiosity about people and what drives them. Plus, in tech and marketing, things move fast, and I love that pace. It’s a different kind of thrill from psychology but equally fascinating. 

Q: As a CXO and Head of Marketing, how do you juggle these two divisions? Are they complementary or demand two separate mental functions? 

Handling both the CXO and Head of Marketing roles is like being at a lively dinner where you’re both the chef and the host. And now, add leading HR from the experience side into the mix, and you’re also sourcing the ingredients and inviting the guests. These roles do blend together more often than not. They’re like two sides of the same coin—both focused on creating outstanding experiences, one from the service and client side, and the other from the story, engagement side, and team-building sides. 

Sure, they need a bit of a mental gear shift at times. The CXO part is all about stepping into our clients’ shoes, seeing our services through their eyes, and asking, “How can we make this even better for them?” It’s a very direct, hands-on approach to improving what we offer. 

The marketing side, on the other hand, is about telling the world why they should care about what we’re doing. It’s crafting the story, figuring out the best channels to share it, and making sure it resonates with the right people. And it’s not enough just to be online. You really must know the insides to create the perfect outsides. 

Adding HR into this already dynamic role means I also focus on ensuring our culture supports our goals, that our team feels valued and motivated, and that we’re all moving together in the right direction. It’s a role that demands both empathy and strategy, understanding people deeply, and crafting policies and cultures that help them thrive. 

But at the end of the day, all these roles aim to elevate how people feel about our brand, services, and their workplace. It’s about making sure they have a fantastic experience, whether they’re using our services, engaging with our brand, or being part of our team. It keeps me on my toes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s all about blending creativity with strategy to serve our community and team the best we can. 

Q: The audience would probably like to know more about the marketing strategy behind the BrightMarbles posts. Can we share some of the tricks of the trade? 

First off, knowing our audience is step one. We dive deep into understanding what you find interesting, useful, and fun. This isn’t just guessing; it’s about really listening to what you engage with and want more of. 

Next up, timing. We share our stories and updates when most of you are online and scrolling. Not too early, not too late. We want to catch you right when you’re ready for a dose of tech insight or a quick break. 

But I must admit, our team is our secret sauce. With some of the most creative minds in content writing, video production, and photography, we know how to turn the complex world of software and cybersecurity services into something you can get excited about.  

Lastly, we make sure to stay looped into all of BrightMarbles’ projects and partnerships. We’re ready to share the exciting news and behind-the-scenes looks as soon as we can. 

So, there you have it. No secrets, just a straightforward approach to sharing what we do and love at BrightMarbles.  

Q: How do you come up with your content ideas? 

We put together a calendar a few months ahead, with relevant content clusters for the blog and social media posts. It is filled with dates that matter to you and us. This includes big tech milestones, updates in the software and cybersecurity sectors, and even those fun, quirky international days that everyone likes to talk about. 

Next, we listen. We tune into the chatter on social media, forums, and within our own team meetings to catch those questions you’re asking and the topics that are lighting up discussions. This is our goldmine for content that both interests and informs. 

Once again, our best weapon is our team. We have this amazing mix of tech experts, creative minds, and people who just love to explain things. They’re constantly experimenting, learning new stuff in the tech world, and they bring these insights straight to you through our content. 

Sometimes, inspiration strikes from the industry giants. When a leading figure shares a groundbreaking view or a new tech breakthrough happens, we jump on it. We break it down, offer our take, and how it applies to what we’re all about at BrightMarbles. 

And let’s not forget you, our community. Your feedback, questions, and even the challenges you share with us often turn into our next big content piece. It’s this ongoing conversation that keeps our content fresh and relevant. 

So, that’s our recipe: a mix of planning, listening, collaborating. It keeps our content ideas flowing and, hopefully, keeps you coming back for more. 

Q: How many people are there under your governance?  

In our marketing department, we’re a close-knit team split into two main groups: the ones who create visuals and the ones who play with words. 

First up, we’ve got our visual team, including two videographers and motion designers. They’re the pros turning our ideas into eye-catching videos and graphics that make you want to stop and watch. 

Then, there’s our team of four content writers. They’re the idea-generators behind the posts, articles, and all the written stuff that makes tech topics clear and fun to read. 

So, even though we’re not a huge team, we pack a big punch, covering a lot of ground to make sure our voice is heard loud and clear. 

Q: Speaking of an all-round approach to marketing, do you produce any content for the BrightMarbles’ clients? 

Sure, we do create content for BrightMarbles’ clients, especially when it fits just right. Our clients come from a mix of industries, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. But for those key accounts where our expertise aligns perfectly with their needs, we roll up our sleeves and get to work. 

So, we end up making some really standout content for them. This could be anything from deep-dive articles, case studies that give you the full picture, to videos that catch your eye. For example, when we worked on the Carna Health app, the marketing team was also involved. It’s about putting the spotlight on the great things we achieve together and how these efforts translate into top-notch tech solutions. 

Our team comes from a bunch of backgrounds, which means we’re well-equipped to cover almost any topic. Need to break down a healthcare app? We’ve got a writer whose an expert. Want to make fintech sound exciting? We have someone just for that. From market research and SEO to Internet of Things and CSR, there’s someone on the team who can tackle it. In short, we’ve got the skills and know-how to cover a lot of ground. 

Q: How about the UI/UX part of the team? 

Absolutely, let’s not forget our stellar team of UI/UX designers. While they operate outside the immediate marketing squad, they’re crucial to the mix, focusing primarily on client projects. This crew takes the concept of making tech accessible and engaging to a whole new level. They dive deep into understanding the end-users’ needs, ensuring that every interaction with the software we develop feels seamless and straightforward.  Whether it’s streamlining a complex process into a few simple clicks or designing an interface that’s as beautiful as it is functional, they’re the behind-the-scenes heroes making tech human-friendly. 

Together with our videographers and motion designers, they form a powerhouse team. While one group brings our stories to life through motion pictures and imagery, our UI/UX designers ensure the products themselves are a joy to use. It’s a full-circle approach to making sure everything we touch not only looks good but feels right to the end-user. 

Q: Does marketing sell? Everything you create and everything you publish, is it meant to convert, or just to spread the word about BrightMarbles? 

That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? In a nutshell, yes and no. Here’s the deal: not every piece of content, tweet, or blog post we push out is designed with the sole purpose of getting you to sign on the dotted line. A lot of what we do is about building relationships, sparking conversations, and, yes, spreading the word about BrightMarbles. 

Think of it this way: if we were at a party, we wouldn’t just be the folks handing out business cards and talking shop. We’d also be the ones telling stories, sharing jokes, and genuinely getting to know everyone. That’s how we view our marketing. Sure, we’re here to tell you about the incredible things we can do with custom software development and cybersecurity. But we’re also here to engage, inform, and maybe even entertain a bit. 

So, when it comes to conversion, it’s a long game. Every blog article or social media post might not directly lead to a new client signing up, but it’s all part of the bigger picture. We’re building trust, credibility, and a community. And when someone does need the services we offer, we’re already part of their world. 

In the end, our marketing is about more than just selling; it’s about creating a space where BrightMarbles stands out as a thought leader, a problem solver, and a trusted partner in the tech industry. 

Q: That was a handful of valuable information – or, dare I say, a fistful of data. How about a few pieces more (you must like these references to spaghetti westerns) on your CXO roles? 

As Chief Experience Officer, my role is like being the director of a western. I’m focused on the big picture—ensuring every aspect of our client and team experiences is as compelling and engaging as those classic cinematic showdowns. It’s not just about making sure our services are top-notch (though that’s a big part of it); it’s also about ensuring every interaction with BrightMarbles feels personal, impactful, and memorable. 

Think of it as crafting a narrative where our clients and team members are the heroes. I’m constantly looking at the map, seeing where we can push boundaries, improve our processes, and innovate our approach to make their journey with us nothing short of extraordinary. Whether it’s refining our communication, enhancing our project management methods, or just making sure we’re always there to lend an ear, it’s all in service of creating standout experiences. 

And just like in those westerns, where the environment is a character in its own right, the culture at BrightMarbles plays a huge role in the experiences we create. I work closely with our HR team and leadership to foster an environment where creativity, collaboration, and innovation aren’t just encouraged—they’re part of our DNA. 

So, there you have it—a glimpse into the CXO role at BrightMarbles, where we’re always aiming to make sure the good guys win, and everyone rides off into the sunset feeling like they’ve been part of something truly special. 

About Nevena 

Nevena Nemeš, the Chief Experience Officer at BrightMarbles Group, is a seasoned professional with a decade’s worth of experience in marketing, product, and business development.  

Currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology, Nevena pairs her extensive industry knowledge with a deep understanding of user psychology, devising marketing strategies that truly resonate with audiences. Her forward-thinking and innovation-driven approach, coupled with her passion for exploring the behavioral aspects of user experience, empowers her to create digital experiences that resonate profoundly.